Nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) are parts of the DNA that are involved in RNA transcription. Due to the silver affinity of associated proteins, argyrophilic NORs (AgNORs) can be visualized using silver-based staining. The average number of AgNORs per nucleus has been shown to be a prognostic factor for predicting the outcome of many tumors. Since manual detection of AgNORs is laborious, automation is of high interest. We present a deep learning-based pipeline for automatically determining the AgNOR-score from histopathological sections. An additional annotation experiment was conducted with six pathologists to provide an independent performance evaluation of our approach. Across all raters and images, we found a mean squared error of 0.054 between the AgNOR- scores of the experts and those of the model, indicating that our approach offers performance comparable to humans.
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Distribution shifts, which often occur in the real world, degrade the accuracy of deep learning systems, and thus improving robustness is essential for practical applications. To improve robustness, we study an image enhancement method that generates recognition-friendly images without retraining the recognition model. We propose a novel image enhancement method, AugNet, which is based on differentiable data augmentation techniques and generates a blended image from many augmented images to improve the recognition accuracy under distribution shifts. In addition to standard data augmentations, AugNet can also incorporate deep neural network-based image transformation, which further improves the robustness. Because AugNet is composed of differentiable functions, AugNet can be directly trained with the classification loss of the recognition model. AugNet is evaluated on widely used image recognition datasets using various classification models, including Vision Transformer and MLP-Mixer. AugNet improves the robustness with almost no reduction in classification accuracy for clean images, which is a better result than the existing methods. Furthermore, we show that interpretation of distribution shifts using AugNet and retraining based on that interpretation can greatly improve robustness.
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Building an accurate model of travel behaviour based on individuals' characteristics and built environment attributes is of importance for policy-making and transportation planning. Recent experiments with big data and Machine Learning (ML) algorithms toward a better travel behaviour analysis have mainly overlooked socially disadvantaged groups. Accordingly, in this study, we explore the travel behaviour responses of low-income individuals to transit investments in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, Canada, using statistical and ML models. We first investigate how the model choice affects the prediction of transit use by the low-income group. This step includes comparing the predictive performance of traditional and ML algorithms and then evaluating a transit investment policy by contrasting the predicted activities and the spatial distribution of transit trips generated by vulnerable households after improving accessibility. We also empirically investigate the proposed transit investment by each algorithm and compare it with the city of Brampton's future transportation plan. While, unsurprisingly, the ML algorithms outperform classical models, there are still doubts about using them due to interpretability concerns. Hence, we adopt recent local and global model-agnostic interpretation tools to interpret how the model arrives at its predictions. Our findings reveal the great potential of ML algorithms for enhanced travel behaviour predictions for low-income strata without considerably sacrificing interpretability.
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The advances in language-based Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies applied to build educational applications can present AI for social-good opportunities with a broader positive impact. Across many disciplines, enhancing the quality of mathematics education is crucial in building critical thinking and problem-solving skills at younger ages. Conversational AI systems have started maturing to a point where they could play a significant role in helping students learn fundamental math concepts. This work presents a task-oriented Spoken Dialogue System (SDS) built to support play-based learning of basic math concepts for early childhood education. The system has been evaluated via real-world deployments at school while the students are practicing early math concepts with multimodal interactions. We discuss our efforts to improve the SDS pipeline built for math learning, for which we explore utilizing MathBERT representations for potential enhancement to the Natural Language Understanding (NLU) module. We perform an end-to-end evaluation using real-world deployment outputs from the Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), Intent Recognition, and Dialogue Manager (DM) components to understand how error propagation affects the overall performance in real-world scenarios.
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电子设计自动化(EDA)社区一直在积极探索非常大规模的计算机辅助设计(VLSI CAD)的机器学习。许多研究探索了基于学习的技术,用于设计流中的跨阶段预测任务,以实现更快的设计收敛。尽管建筑机器学习(ML)模型通常需要大量数据,但由于缺乏大型公共数据集,大多数研究只能生成小型内部数据集进行验证。在本文中,我们介绍了第一个用于机器学习任务的开源数据集,称为CircuitNet。该数据集由基于6种开源RISC-V设计的商业设计工具的多功能运行中提取的10K以上样品组成。
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我们提出了MDEAW,这是一个多模式数据库,该数据库由电动活动(EDA)和光摄影学(PPG)信号组成,在考试期间记录了巴塞罗那萨巴德尔(Eurecat Academemy)的老师教师教授的课程,以引起对学生对学生对情感反应的情感反应。课堂场景。以6种基本的情感状态来记录了10名学生的信号以及学生对每个刺激后对情感状态的自我评估。所有信号均使用便携式,可穿戴,无线,低成本和现成的设备捕获,该设备有可能在日常应用中使用情感计算方法。使用基于EDA和PPG的功能及其融合的学生识别的基线是通过remecs,fed-emecs和fed-emecs-u建立的。这些结果表明,使用低成本设备进行情感状态识别应用的前景。提出的数据库将公开可用,以使研究人员能够对这些捕获设备对情绪状态识别应用的适用性进行更透彻的评估。
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We present EDA: easy data augmentation techniques for boosting performance on text classification tasks. EDA consists of four simple but powerful operations: synonym replacement, random insertion, random swap, and random deletion. On five text classification tasks, we show that EDA improves performance for both convolutional and recurrent neural networks. EDA demonstrates particularly strong results for smaller datasets; on average, across five datasets, training with EDA while using only 50% of the available training set achieved the same accuracy as normal training with all available data. We also performed extensive ablation studies and suggest parameters for practical use.
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